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From inert materials to controlled environments, conservation is at the centre of our showcase designs. Creating a constant environment requires our showcases to have multi-functions. They protect your exhibits and shield them from any physical damage through the use of inert materials and sophisticated sealing techniques. They also provide a safe and controlled environment to keep exhibits in near perfect condition.

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A Sealed Display

A well sealed display case is the approved method to protect exhibits on display and this can be defined and quantified by it’s Air Exchange Rate (AER).
An AER of 0.1 is now regularly included within our performance specifications for display cases. AER performance relies on our expertise in three key areas: Design, Production and Installation.

Environmental Control

Like the ambient climate, the inside temperature and the relative humidity of a case is like a microclimate. Variations within it can cause serious damage to the exhibits. Trika’s showcase systems help keep these variations to an absolute minimum.

Relative Humidity
Humidity variations are another factor that can cause devastating damage to exhibits. Temperature is inversely linked to humidity so temperature changes will also impact the humidity level within a case. A well sealed glass case will buffer your exhibits against rapid changes in ambient humidity. We offer two alternatives if the case is to be sited in a place that experiences regular humidity changes:

Passive Absorbers Conditioning materials like silica gel are hygroscopic substances that absorb moisture from the air. We understand and apply the ratio between these substances against per cubic metre of case volume. These need to be monitored with a thermohygrometer.

Active Humidity Control
Where conditions inside the case needs to be significantly different from the ambient air, or where ambient humidity changes quicker than passive conditioning materials can handle, an active humidity control system needs to be in place. The humidity management systems that we supply can control case humidity within a range of +/-2%.

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We have a comprehensive range of showcase solutions that cater to all your specific requirements.